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This is a collection of music that I have played in the days and weeks following the birth of our first child. I've played the tunes as much for myself to re-connect with the constancy that music has provided throughout my whole life following this seismic event, as to relax and serenade the two most important people in my life. It was (and still is) a very magical, personal time - when the whole world seems to cease to exist save for the moment in which you find yourself. The uncompromising look of recognition on our child's face has left an indelible mark on my soul. Her existence has changed out lives forever. |
Whether you choose to revisit a place in your heart or mind, or your mind's eye - this music is for you. Some of it may be familiar - some less so. Three pieces are brand new to the world - they are my own compositions which may find themselves appreciated as the are - or perhaps woven into filmscapes. Whichever their fate - I offer them (along with 17 other hugely well-known themes) as an insight into the spirit of being which occurs when we are not necessarily in charge of our own destiny or thinking - but give ourselves up to the reverie of imagination and reflection. |